Aphrodisiac? Tummy Relief? Anti-Inflammatory?


Is there a food item that can do all of these things?

My daughter has GI problems and when she has ginger tea, she swears it helps.

Ten facts about ginger*:

  1. Ginger is actually a rhizome, not a root. A rhizome is an underground stem.
  2. The ginger plant is an herb.
  3. Ginger is a part of the Zingiberaceae family, which also includes turmeric and cardamom.
  4. Ginger is native to southeastern Asia.
  5. You can grow ginger from rhizomes found at grocery stores.
  6. Mature ginger rhizomes, ones most commonly sold in grocery stores, are harvested after 10-12 months.
  7. Ginger is popularly grown in warmer regions and the tropics.
  8. Ginger can be cultivated all year round. However the best time to plant them is at the end winter and early spring.
  9. A ginger plant can grow up to 4 ft. tall.
  10. Ginger has MANY health benefits, some including ant-inflammatory properties, blood sugar regulation, and gastrointestinal relief.


*from https://thatsitfruit.com/blog/10-interesting-facts-about-ginger/