“A Little Less Conversation, A Little More Action…”*


No Excuses

I’m grateful for many, many things. I have a very good life: a job I love, two healthy, beautiful children, a husband who loves me, a nice home, an affectionate dog and an enormous “wine refrigerator”.


However, I’m not 100% content. I don’t like the recent spate of racist incidents around the country (KKK). I don’t like that Asians are under represented in TV, film and books. I don’t like the fact that so many in this country (and the world) go hungry each night.

Complaining isn’t going to change anything.

Writing an amazing script, raising money and getting the independent film with Asian actors produced and shown at film festivals WILL change the scene.

Organizing a passionate, savvy group of people to pressure our legislators for gun control laws WILL save lives.

Reaching out to all the different, beautifully diverse people in my community WILL help change racial stereotypes and bring some peace.

Creating programs to help homeless people get job skills and become income earners WILL change their lives.

Inventing affordable solar panels WILL help save the environment.

What can you do today/this week/this month/this year to provide “A little more bite, and a little less bark”?


*”A Little Less Conversation” by Elvis Presley