

Daughter of mine,

please cease to dine –

you must watch your diet

and be very quiet


For to be plump is no longer considered fair

economics dictates wealth=beauty=thinner than air

I’ll admonish you at the refrigerator

for I am your fat extinguisher


I dream of food

but have not chewed

anything for hours

this, the secret to my powers


Listen to me, my lean baby

can’t you see, I’m happy

follow my suit and you will be

as happy and as thin as me






Watercolor, The Giver pages, ink

“You are way off of baseline.”
from Blade Runner

About this piece:

I watched the scene regarding baselines from “Blade Runner” the other day. I started thinking about society and laws and citizenship and what true self-determination might be.  What is patriotism? Citizenship? What are our obligations and how does the individual contribute to the mass?