

“I’m looking forward to our long drive from Georgia,” my husband says.

We will be driving from Lawrenceville, GA to Mesa, AZ (over 1,800 miles) to move my mother’s things from her old house to ours. After dad passed away in July, mom has been uprooted mentally, spiritually and physically.

But whose partner says they are looking forward to driving all day for several days? Mine. I’m fortunate to have a supportive partner who not only steps up but embraces this “adventure.” He’s excited to box things up, rent the equipment, tow mom’s car at the back of the truck and drive all the way back home for 27 hours. Thank you, William. I am grateful.

Authentic Beauty

Brigitte Tohm

“For old people, beauty doesn’t come free with the hormones, the way it does for the young… It has to do with who the person is.”

Ursula K. Le Guin

If you want to be a truly beautiful person, be kind:

  • be patient in traffic (Road Rage offends other drivers as well as your passenger(s));
  • call a friend and invite them to a bike ride, or a walk…or lunch;
  • take the time to counsel a young person who requests your advice;
  • volunteer to help your community in an area of need;
  • give thoughtful gifts because you thought of her…or him…just because;
  • tell each person you love how you feel and that you appreciate them;
  • write a love note and send it


orchid doodle


I am grateful for the early morning intention

To feed my daughters earth’s fruits

At lunch when I am absent

my love is omnipresent

I am grateful for the pesky wind

That musses “perfect” hair

And shouts sweet nothings in my ears

All are signs that I’m alive

I am grateful for the cuts on my fingers

They scream silently as I work

scabs, wrinkles, dry cuticles – 

My hands are marked with ravages of time and labor


Thanksgiving in August

Photo by Hanny Naibaho

You know someone who is always cheerful and helpful, don’t you? This person has a big heart and is dependable when you need them most.

Don’t wait for Professional Administrative’s Day to give him or her a small token of appreciation. Don’t wait for birthdays or holidays.

Say thank you. Write a card. Give a small gift.

Make a positive, unexpected gesture. See what happens…