But of Course…


I agreed to be the sponsor for several sixth-grade boys who wanted to start an investment club at school. They run it and I am just the certified teacher in the room to monitor them.

During the first meeting, one of them told the audience of three kids (ages 11, 12 and 13):

“So a long-term stock is like a short-term stock, but it’s not short-term. Hence the name.”

What We Tell Girls

Larm Rmah

He didn’t mean to be mean

He was just playing when he grabbed you too hard

He’s sorry and you should just move on

He’s not stalking you, that’s your imagination – you need to work out it, both of you

What did you do to make him do that?

What were you wearing?

Why were you alone with him?

He’s just a touchy-feely kind of guy

He does that to everybody





It’s How You do What You do

Plush Design Studio

I asked my 12-year-old niece, “Who is your favorite teacher?”  Although math comes most easily to her, she didn’t hesitate to tell me her English teacher is her favorite instructor of all time, because “She is so enthusiastic about everything! She loves to act stories out.”

Here’s to enthusiasm!

Teacher Retention*


“Public School Teacher Attrition and Mobility in the First Five Years,” found that 10 percent of new teachers in 2007-08 didn’t return the following year, increasing cumulatively to 12 percent in year three, 15 percent in year four and 17 percent in the fifth year. The totals include teachers who were let go and subsequently didn’t find a job teaching in another district.

“Two important findings support what NEA has advocated for a long time. That high-quality mentors and competitive salaries make a difference in keeping teachers,” said Segun Eubanks, director for Teacher Quality at the National Education Association.


Data from edsource.org